working papers

Working Papers serve as pre-publication versions of academic articles, book chapters, or reviews. ERDA invites experienced members in the field of research to contribute working papers related to their respective areas of expertise. These papers can be in various stages of development, including works in progress, submissions under review, or those already in press and forthcoming elsewhere. The primary purpose of publishing these working papers on ERDA’s website is to provide valuable resources for our members, particularly doctoral students who are embarking on their research journey. Additionally, authors can benefit from feedback and insights from both ERDA members and external experts, which can aid in refining their research for future publication in indexed journals.

It is important to note that working papers published on our website do not undergo a formal peer review process. They may vary in terms of completeness, which is indicated by a “Version number” on the cover of each paper. The form and content of these papers are the sole responsibility of the individual authors, and there is no standardized format beyond the cover sheet.

ERDA does not guarantee the quality of these working papers. Individuals may download and use these papers for their personal research purposes, adhering to the standard rules of fair use in professional scholarship. If you have comments on a paper or questions about its content, please contact the author directly via their provided email address.

When citing ERDA Working Papers, please use the following format:

Author (year), Title, WP No #, Version #, Month #, Education Research and Development Association (ERDA) Working Papers.

Posting a paper on our site does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent publication elsewhere, including other working paper series. The copyright of a working paper is typically retained by the author or their assignee, as indicated in our Copyright Statement.

Copyright Statement:

ERDA’s current policy is to maintain all working papers on the site unless otherwise notified by the author(s). Copyright for papers on ERDA remains with the authors or their assignees. Users may download papers for personal use only. Any other use, including reposting on electronic bulletin boards or archives, requires written consent from the authors. When a paper is published in print, copyright is often transferred to the publisher. Therefore, it is the author’s responsibility to determine if copyright has been transferred and to inform ERDA for removal from the site if necessary. For papers where the author has retained copyright, it is their responsibility to notify ERDA when they wish to have the paper removed from the site.

Invitation to write working papers

We extend a warm invitation to our esteemed members to contribute working papers to ERDA. Your participation in this endeavor will be immensely beneficial, especially to those who are embarking on their research journey. By sharing your expertise and insights through working papers, you can provide valuable guidance and support to individuals who are new to the world of research. Together, we can foster a collaborative and enriching environment that empowers the next generation of researchers. Thank you for your commitment to advancing knowledge and education.