Associate Membership (Academia)
Faculty members from government or private universities, colleges, institutes and schools with at least Eight Years of teaching experience are eligible to apply for Associate Membership.
For those teaching in higher educational institutions, this experience should include a minimum of five years of post-PhD teaching work. A PhD is not required for school teachers or educators who hold professional qualifications in fields such as engineering, medicine, accountancy, or other internationally recognized professions, provided they have at least Eight Years of teaching experience.
The evaluation and approval of Associate Membership applications are at the discretion of ERDA’s authoritative body. Upon approval, members can use the title “Associate Member of ERDA” alongside their name. Associate Members have various opportunities, including serving as editors, reviewers, or authors for ERDA’s journals and books. They can also participate as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, and moderators in national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, independently or with collaboration. Associate Members have the right to self-nominate for ERDA awards that recognize exceptional contributions to education, research, and community service.
To obtain the Associate Membership of ERDA, an individual has to pay one-time subscription fee of INR 2,000 (Indian members) or 25 USD (foreign members). Specific benefits include a soft copy of the membership certificate, listing on ERDA’s website with their name, affiliation, and photograph, and the opportunity to take on various management roles within ERDA. Associate Members can upgrade to Fellow Membership once they meet the eligibility criteria by paying 50% of the current Fellow Membership fee at the time of their upgrade.