Associate Membership Industry)

Individuals from the industry who genuinely aspire to contribute to the academic community and society at large are invited to apply for this membership. Applicants should have a minimum of Ten Years of working experience. The authoritative body of ERDA exercises discretion in evaluating and approving such memberships. Upon approval, members are entitled to use the title “Associate Member of ERDA” in conjunction with their name. They have the opportunity to serve as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, moderators, etc., in various national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members. Additionally, members retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, acknowledging their exceptional contributions in the realms of business and community service. They may also collaborate with ERDA for social development activities. To obtain Associate Membership (Industry) of ERDA, an individual has to pay one-time subscription fee of INR 2,000 (Indian Members) or 25 USD (Foreign Members). Specific benefits for Associate Members (Industry) include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with their affiliation and photograph on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to actively participate in the management of ERDA by holding various positions within the organization.