Nomination for ERDA Excellence Awards

An award is more than just a certificate or medal. It’s a way to honor and recognize those who take unconventional paths and make valuable contributions to their field and society.

ERDA is dedicated to driving societal change through education, innovation, and compassion – an endeavor that would be impossible without the invaluable contributions of its various stakeholders. To express its gratitude, ERDA bestows the ERDA Excellence Award upon individuals, institutions and organizations in recognition of their contributions to society around the globe. This award is more than just a trophy or certificate; it is an initiative to recognize the often-overlooked contributions of individuals and organizations. For ERDA, the significance of these contributions isn’t measured by their size or immediate impact but by the commitment to making a difference, no matter how small the contribution may seem. The inspiration behind the Excellence Award comes from our visionary founder’s belief that society often fails to recognize the smaller contributions made by individuals and organizations. For him, excellence is not about achieving what others cannot, but about giving one’s best effort to any task, regardless of the outcome. He believed that recognition should not be reserved only for those at the pinnacle of success, as this overlooks the efforts of many who are working toward the betterment of society. By acknowledging even the smallest contributions, we can inspire a broader community to engage in meaningful work for the greater good. The ERDA Excellence Awards are conferred upon individuals, academic institutions, and non-academic organizations to recognize excellence in teaching, research, holistic education, leadership, academic performance, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. 

Individuals, educational institutions, and non-educational organizations can nominate themselves or others for the ERDA Excellence Awards, which are conferred under the following eight categories:

  • Teaching: ERDA Excellence Award for Teaching recognizes school teachers, faculty members of higher education institutions, and other teaching professionals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in education.
  • Research: ERDA Excellence Award for Research honors faculty members, research scholars, and academic institutions that have made outstanding contributions to research, knowledge creation, and scholarly advancements in their respective fields.
  • Leadership: ERDA Excellence Award for Leadership acknowledges individuals who exemplify visionary leadership, integrity, and dedication in driving positive change within their communities, organizations, and society at large. This award is conferred upon distinguished leaders from academia, industry, and social sectors.
  • Education: ERDA Excellence Award for Education honors academic institutions, professional bodies, and training providers for their exceptional contributions to quality education across diverse disciplines. It is awarded in the following three subcategories:
      • For providing holistic education
      • For providing professional certification
      • For providing professional training
  • Holistic Development: ERDA Excellence Award for Holistic Development recognizes school, undergraduate, and postgraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional achievements in both academics and extracurricular activities. This award reflects ERDA’s commitment to fostering well-rounded student development and inspiring future excellence.
  • Entrepreneurship: ERDA Excellence Award for Entrepreneurship celebrates individuals who have exhibited remarkable entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and significant impact in advancing social and economic development through their ventures and initiatives.
  • Women Empowerment: ERDA Excellence Award for Women Empowerment acknowledges both individuals and institutions that have made outstanding contributions toward promoting the empowerment and equality of women and girls.
  • Philanthropy: ERDA Excellence Award for Philanthropy is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon individuals and institutions that have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in addressing social challenges and advancing humanitarian causes.
  • Important Information
    • Before completing the nomination form, please review the essential nomination requirements.
    • Each applicant can apply for a maximum of two awards. If an applicant submits nominations for more than two awards, all nominations will be considered invalid.
    • Any nomination containing false information will be rejected.
    • An individual or institution can receive the ERDA Excellence Award only once in a lifetime. If an institution or organization has previously received the award, it will not be eligible to apply again.
    • Awardees will be selected based on the recommendations of the ERDA Excellence Awards Selection Committee. Preference will be given to ERDA members at the time of selection.
    • Awards will be conferred during various ERDA-organized events, including seminars, conferences, summits, conclaves, and similar gatherings held in India and abroad. Details about these events will be published on ERDA’s website and social media platforms.
    • There is no fee for award nominations. However, applicants must register to attend the event, and a nominal registration fee will apply as per ERDA’s guidelines.
    • For any queries regarding the ERDA Excellence Awards, please contact us:
      Email: /
      WhatsApp (Message Only): +91 92663 60261