Lifetime Membership

Lifetime Membership is available to individuals from academia, industry, and society at large who are dedicated to advancing ERDA’s vision and mission. Eligibility is subject to approval by ERDA’s authoritative body, which evaluates each application with discretion. Upon approval, members are granted the title “Lifetime Member of ERDA” to use alongside their name. Lifetime Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to participate in national and international workshops, seminars, conferences, faculty development programs, and training initiatives organized by ERDA, either independently or with Institutional Members, at a preferential rate. They also have the right to self-nominate for various ERDA awards that recognize outstanding contributions in education, research, and community service. Members may also have the chance to contribute to the community by participating in ERDA’s social development initiatives. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and hold a bachelor’s degree in any field to qualify for membership. Approved members’ names will be displayed on ERDA’s website within seven working days. The one-time subscription for Lifetime Membership is INR 1,000 (for Indian members) or 15 USD (for foreign members). Members will receive a soft copy of their membership certificate, and their name, photo, and affiliation will be published on ERDA’s website. Lifetime Members can nominate themselves for the ERDA Excellence Award but are not eligible for leadership positions within ERDA management. They are given lower priority for roles as resource persons, conveners, or moderators in any ERDA-organized seminar, conference, workshop, or faculty development program. However, Lifetime Members have the option to upgrade their membership to a higher category, with the subscription amount already paid being adjusted accordingly to ensure a smooth transition.