Apply For Membership

ERDA firmly upholds the belief that substantial societal change can be accomplished through collaborative and collective efforts.

Embracing this philosophy, ERDA extends an invitation to academicians, professionals, policymakers, social activists, philanthropists, students, academic institutions, professional organizations, corporate entities, and other government and non-government organizations to join hands in fostering societal transformation through Education, Innovation, and Compassion. Together, we can work towards building a better tomorrow for all.

ERDA invites applications for various categories of membership. Applicants are requested to take a moment to carefully review the eligibility criteria for each membership category before proceeding with your application. It’s important to note that all memberships are granted for a lifetime, and transitions between categories are possible once the specific eligibility requirements are fulfilled. We kindly ask that applicants refrain from submitting multiple applications simultaneously.

The Education Research and Development Association (ERDA) extends Honorary Membership to esteemed individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to academia, industry, and society. ERDA extends this invitation to accomplished individuals who align with and support ERDA’s vision and mission. By becoming part of our global community, they can contribute their expertise, experience, and dedication to enrich our organization’s endeavors. As Honorary Members, they may provide advisory support and may also be invited to participate as resource persons, speakers, chief guests, or guests of honor in ERDA’s national or international events. We eagerly anticipate collaboration with these individuals, sharing a commitment to advancing education and development.

It is important to distinguish Honorary Membership from other membership categories within ERDA. Honorary Membership is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon individuals including, but not limited to:

  • Vice Chancellors and Pro Vice Chancellors of Government and Non-government Universities
  • Directors of IITs/NITs/IIMs/Similar Eminent Institutes 
  • Directors, CEOs, CFOs, COOs of Private and Public Limited Companies
  • Distinguished Bureaucrats
  • Any other individuals who have achieved remarkable milestones in their respective field.

We kindly request the broader community to refrain from applying for Honorary Membership, as this category is reserved for individuals meeting the aforementioned criteria. Those interested in joining ERDA are encouraged to explore other membership options for which they may be eligible. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we uphold the integrity and purpose of Honorary Membership within our organization.

Individuals interested in nominating themselves or others for Honorary Membership are invited to nominate through email. Our email id is CV or brief profile of nominee must be attached with the email. 

ERDA’s management reserves the right to accept or reject nominations for conferring Honorary Membership.

Fellow Membership, akin to Associate Membership, is an exclusive opportunity for academicians. Individuals who have been ERDA members for at least four years, or non-members with a minimum of 15 years of academic and research experience (including at least eight years of post-PhD experience), are eligible to apply for Associate Membership. The evaluation and approval of such memberships rest with the authoritative body of ERDA, exercising discretion in this process. Upon approval, members gain the prestigious title of “Fellow Member of ERDA” to use in conjunction with their name. They are presented with diverse opportunities, including serving as editors, reviewers, or authors for journals and books published by ERDA. Additionally, they can actively contribute as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, moderators, etc., in various national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members. Fellow Members have the added benefit of participating in ERDA-organized national or international events, either solely or collaboratively, without any registration fee or at a nominal registration fee. They retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, recognizing their exceptional contributions in the fields of education, research, and community service. To obtain Fellow Membership of ERDA, applicants must submit a fee of INR 2,000 (for Indian Members) or an equivalent amount (for Foreign Members). This is a lifetime membership fee. Specific benefits for Fellow Members include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with their affiliation and photograph on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to actively participate in the top management of ERDA. Additionally, it’s important to highlight that Associate members have the opportunity to smoothly transition to Fellow Membership once they meet the eligibility criteria. Upon eligibility, they are required to make a one-time payment equivalent to 50% of the subscription amount applicable for Fellow Membership at the time of transition.

Associate Membership is exclusively available to academicians. Individuals who have been ERDA members for at least two years, or non-members with a minimum of eight years of academic and research experience (including at least four years of post-PhD experience), are eligible to apply for Associate Membership. The authoritative body of ERDA exercises discretion in evaluating and approving such memberships. Upon approval, members gain the privilege of using the title “Associate Member of ERDA” in conjunction with their name. They are provided with diverse opportunities, including serving as an editor, reviewer, or author for journals and books published by ERDA. Additionally, they can act as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, moderators, etc., in various national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members. Furthermore, Associate Members have the chance to participate in ERDA-organized national or international events, either solely or collaboratively, without any registration fee or at a nominal registration fee. Members retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, acknowledging their exceptional contributions in the fields of education, research, and community service. To obtain Associate Membership of ERDA, applicants must submit a fee of INR 1,000 (for Indian Members) or an equivalent amount (for Foreign Members). This is a lifetime membership fee.  Specific benefits for Associate Members include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with their affiliation and photograph on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to actively participate in the management of ERDA by holding various positions within the organizatio

Individuals representing academia, industry, and society at large, who demonstrate a sincere commitment to advancing ERDA’s vision and mission, may be eligible for Lifetime Membership, subject to approval by the pertinent authority within the Education Research and Development Association (ERDA). The authoritative body of ERDA exercises discretion in evaluating and approving such memberships. Upon approval, members are granted the privilege of using the title “Lifetime Member of ERDA” alongside their name. They are also provided with exclusive opportunities to participate in national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, faculty development programs, and training initiatives organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members, at a preferential rate. Moreover, members retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, acknowledging their outstanding contributions in the realms of education, research, and community service. Members are also encouraged to actively engage in ERDA’s community service programs. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and hold a bachelor’s degree in any field to qualify for membership. Following the submission of an application, the names of approved members will be visible on ERDA website within seven working days. 

Under the Lifetime Membership, there are two categories available: Ordinary Lifetime Membership and Special Lifetime Membership. Applicants for Ordinary Lifetime Membership are not required to pay any subscription fee; however, their name will be prominently displayed on ERDA’s website. They will have full access to attend all academic and non-academic activities, apply for various awards offered by ERDA, and even act as resource persons in workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by the association. Although no membership certificate will be issued, they retain the flexibility to change their membership category upon meeting the eligibility criteria, with the option to transition by paying a requisite subscription amount.

On the other hand, applicants interested in Special Lifetime Membership are required to pay a subscription fee of INR 500 for Indian members or an equivalent amount for foreign members. In addition to the benefits enjoyed by Ordinary Lifetime Members, Special Members will have their name, photo, and affiliation published separately on ERDA’s website. They will also receive a membership certificate in soft copy. Furthermore, they have the privilege to convert their membership category to a higher level. When applying for a change in membership category, the subscription amount already paid for Special Lifetime Membership will be adjusted accordingly, ensuring a smooth transition process.

Professionals from the industry who are genuinely dedicated to contributing to the academic community and societal development are invited to apply for this membership. Applicants should have a minimum of 20 years of working experience and hold a significant position in their organizations. The evaluation and approval of such memberships are at the discretion of ERDA’s authoritative body. Upon approval, members gain the privilege of using the title “Fellow Corporate Member of ERDA” in conjunction with their name. They have the opportunity to serve as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, moderators, etc., in various national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members. Additionally, members retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, acknowledging their exceptional contributions in the realms of business and community service. To obtain Fellow Corporate Membership of ERDA, applicants must submit a fee of INR 2,000 (for Indian Members) or an equivalent amount (for Foreign Members). Specific benefits for Fellow Corporate Members include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with their affiliation and photograph on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to actively participate in the top management of ERDA. Furthermore, it is notable that Associate corporate members can seamlessly apply for Fellow Membership once they become eligible, without any additional fee required for this changeover.

Individuals from the industry who genuinely aspire to contribute to the academic community and society at large are invited to apply for this membership. Applicants should have a minimum of 10 years of working experience. The authoritative body of ERDA exercises discretion in evaluating and approving such memberships. Upon approval, members are entitled to use the title “Associate Corporate Member of ERDA” in conjunction with their name. They have the opportunity to serve as resource persons, speakers, conveners, co-conveners, moderators, etc., in various national or international workshops, seminars, conferences, and faculty development programs organized by ERDA, either independently or in collaboration with Institutional Members. Additionally, members retain the right to self-nominate for various awards periodically announced by ERDA, acknowledging their exceptional contributions in the realms of business and community service. To obtain Associate Corporate Membership of ERDA, applicants must submit a fee of INR 1,000 (for Indian Members) or an equivalent amount (for Foreign Members). Specific benefits for Associate Corporate Members include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with their affiliation and photograph on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to actively participate in the management of ERDA by holding various positions within the organization. 

Students, from 10th grade to postgraduate levels, are encouraged to apply for ERDA’s Student Membership, providing a valuable platform for continuous learning and leadership development. Engaging in discussions with experts from industry and academia uniquely contributes to their career growth. ERDA also offers exclusive awards for student members, enhancing their academic achievements. Additionally, student members can participate in ERDA’s National or International Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, and Training programs either for free or at reduced fees, enriching their educational journey.

Under the Student Membership, there are two categories available: Ordinary Student Membership and Special Student  Membership. Applicants for Ordinary Student Membership are not required to pay any subscription fee; however, their name will be prominently displayed on ERDA’s website. They will have full access to attend all academic and non-academic activities and apply for various awards offered by ERDA. Although no membership certificate will be issued, they retain the flexibility to change their membership category upon meeting the eligibility criteria, with the option to transition by paying a requisite subscription amount.

On the other hand, applicants interested in Special Student Membership are required to pay a subscription fee of INR 250 for Indian members or an equivalent amount for foreign members. In addition to the benefits enjoyed by Ordinary Student Members, Special Members will have their name, photo, and school/college/department/university name published separately on ERDA’s website. They will also receive a membership certificate in the soft copy. Furthermore, they have the privilege to convert their membership category to a higher level. When applying for a change in membership category, the subscription amount already paid for Special Student Membership will be adjusted accordingly, ensuring a smooth transition process.

Schools, Colleges, Departments, Universities, Professional Institutes, Corporate Entities, and other Government or Non-government organizations keen on collaborating with ERDA for societal transformation are encouraged to apply for Institutional Membership. Representatives can initiate the membership application process through the designated link on the website. The authoritative body of ERDA exercises discretion in evaluating and approving such memberships. Upon approval, institutions or organizations are entitled to use the designation “Institutional Members of ERDA” alongside their name. Educational institutions have the unique opportunity to collaborate with ERDA in coordinating Workshops, Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), Seminars, Conferences, Training Programs, and other similar activities. Corporate members actively participate in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in partnership with ERDA and can act as stakeholders in ERDA’s social enterprises. Government or Non-government organizations can collaborate for the successful execution of social development activities. Applicants seeking Institutional Membership must adhere to the requirement of obtaining a No Objection Certificate (NOC) duly endorsed by the head of their respective institution or organization, along with the seal. This is a mandatory step in the application process. To obtain institutional membership, concerned institutes must submit a fee of INR 3,000 (for Indian members) or an equivalent amount (for foreign members). It’s important to note that for any collaborative event, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ERDA and the Institutional Member must be signed. Specific benefits for Institutional Members include the soft copy of the membership certificate, the display of their name along with a brief description on ERDA’s website, and the opportunity to nominate a person from their institute/organization to participate in the management of ERDA by holding various positions.

ERDA's members are spread across various states of India as well as in numerous countries worldwide...

500 +

Lifetime Members

500 +

Student Members

10 +

Institutional Members

Members’ support through subscriptions will play a crucial role in sustaining and advancing ERDA’s endeavors in education, research, and social development…

ERDA has refrained from accepting any subscription from its members since its inception until now. However, recognizing financial limitations that impede the ability of ERDA to effectively serve the community, management has made the decision to implement a modest membership subscription fee (effective from April 1, 2024).

We wish to inform our visitors and members that from the establishment in 2015 until March 31, 2024, ERDA has relied solely on funds provided by our founder, Dr. R. K. Mishra, and a select group of founder trustees. Regrettably, due to these financial constraints, ERDA has been unable to fully realize its vision and mission. Consequently, the management has opted to introduce a nominal subscription fee for ERDA membership to facilitate the association’s operational continuity and further the pursuit of its commendable objectives.

The funds collected through membership subscription will be allocated for the following purposes:

  • Covering official expenses related to the functioning of ERDA.
  • Organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, and other similar events.
  • Hosting ERDA Talent Search Exam (ETSE), Award Functions, Youth Parliament, and other similar events to promote education, research, and social development.
  • Supporting the publication of textbooks, edited books, journals, and other educational materials.
  • Providing financial assistance to needy students, and 
  • Contributing to community service initiative

Membership Subscription

(With effect from 01-04-2024)


Category of Membership

Onetime Subscription


Ordinary Lifetime Membership

No Subscription


Special Lifetime Membership

INR 500 or 7 USD 


Ordinary Student Membership

No Subscription


Special Student Membership

INR 250 or 3 USD


Associate Membership

INR 1,000 or 15 USD


Fellow Membership

INR 2,000 or 30 USD


Associate Corporate Membership

INR 1,000 or 15 USD


Fellow Corporate Membership

INR 2,000 or 30 USD


Institutional Membership

INR 3,000 or 40 USD


Honorary Membership

By invitation, no subscription 

Note: Foreign members residing in countries where the Indian currency holds greater value will be eligible for a 50% rebate on their membership subscription.

Bank Details:

Bank Name: UCO Bank

IFSC Code: UCBA0001895

Account Number: 18950110070369

Account Holder Name: Education Research and Development Association 

Branch Name: St. Michel High School, Digha Ghat, Patna