Art &

Centre for Promoting Education & Research in Art and
Humanities (CPERAH)


Centre For Promoting Education and Research in Art and Humanities (CPERAH) has been set up with the objective of promoting education and research in the field of Art and Humanities. Specific objectives of CPERAH have been listed as follows:

  • To organise the National and International Seminars / Conferences related to the emerging issue in the field of Art and Humanities.
  • To conduct Workshop / Faculty Development Program (FDP) / Training Programs / ERDA Talent Search Exam (ETSE) and other similar kind of activities.
  • To look the publication of ERDA’s Journal of Art and Humanities.
  • To manage the publication of Edited Books, Working Papers, Study Materials etc.
  • To select the appropriate candidates for giving the ERDA Academic Excellence Award and ERDA Young Academician Award in the field of Art and Humanities.
  • To identify the eligible candidate for Ph.D Fellowship (given to the students who are doing Ph.D in the field of Arts and Humanities).
  • To do any other activity which shall be decided by the Executive Body from time to time for the betterment of the education and research in the field of Arts and Humanities.